




As of August this year (2024), I’ll have been living in Japan for 10 years. Throughout this time, I’ve noticed many differences in the culture and way of living.

Customer service: I wouldn’t say customer service in the UK is bad compared to Japan; it’s just different. You might be asked how your day was or how the family is if it’s a place you’re a regular at. You’re also expected to tip the staff if you go to a restaurant or use a taxi (not mandatory compared to America but a nice gesture). In Japan, “the customer is god” is a phrase that’s often used, and I would say that customers are treated very well here.

The language: In the UK, people usually adjust their language depending on who they are speaking to. There are casual and formal ways of speaking, but there isn’t a huge gap between the two. In Japanese, there are multiple levels of politeness depending on who you are speaking to (friends and family, coworkers, your boss, etc.), which does take some getting used to.

Toilets: In England, when you’re out and about in the city, countryside, or pretty much anywhere when nature calls, there aren’t many choices. There are public toilets in some places, but they’re usually the last option as it’s hard to know when they were last cleaned. In Japan, all you need to do is look for the nearest convenience store (which are pretty much everywhere), and you can use a (usually) clean toilet.

福岡からリモートで働いているともと申します。 趣味: ボードゲーム サイクリング 旅行


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